Thursday, June 7, 2007

A peacock in the desert...

This is the picture of a peacock I saw in the grounds of a hotel here. It was an iridiscent blue and it had a green tail with lots of "eyes" all over it. There were a couple of peahens and the peacock was trying to impress them, I guess, by spreading out its lovely plumage. I looked for my camera and found to my dismay that I had mistakenly left it at my cousin's place. So I couldn't get a picture of it but my nephew took one with his camera phone and here it is. The female species looked so plain in front of this majestic creature. In order to irritate the male folks with me, I quipped: Quite unlike the homosapiens, in all other animals it is the male species that's beautiful/handsome (whatever)!


Dotm said...

So pretty.
I remember once trying all kind of noises, even whistling, hope to see one open his beauty in full for us to see. He just looked at me and never even moved at all. I so wanted to see him with his full spread showing. He had such pretty colors showing that we knew he would have been beautiful.

Geets said...

Actually,Dot, there was a glass panel separating me from him. I was inside the hotel and he was perched on the window seat outside but the glass was tinted and so he had not a clue about being observed or photographed.

Movie Mazaa said...

thats wonderfully well captured!

Geets said...


Hira said...

oh.....i have got one...