Saturday, October 20, 2007

Five Go To Disneyland!

Hey, did you hear that? The Famous Five team is getting a twenty-first century make-over. Disney is making an animated series of the adventurous five who kept us glued to the Famous Five books in our childhood. But this time it is their descendants that are going to take us on an adventure trail. Gone are Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy. Enter their techno-savvy kids with laptops and mobile phones: Max, Dylan, Allie, Jo and Timmy-II.

Jo is the group's leader - she is the daughter of George and an Indian named Ravi whom she met on a mountaineering expedition in the Himalayas. Hmm...quite interesting. Could be the lead to an interesting love story between tomboy George and the conservative, orthodox Indian...

Max - the son of Julian – enjoys thrill-seeking activities including surfing. He is outgoing and athletic and has a shock of blond hair.

Dylan is Dick's son and lives in the city. He wears a hoodie and carries a laptop, video camera and mobile phone and is described as the "entrepreneur".

And Allie, the daughter of Anne has matching headband, T-shirt and wristband and is constantly on her mobile phone to her friends back home.

It is interesting to imagine that all the original Famous Five adventures would have ended differently if Julian and his team had mobile phones. The police would have been just a call away in most situations which had sent our pulses racing...


jac said...

That Indian charactor surprised me.
When is it going to come out ?

Missed you writing and your Bday, geets.

VIDYA said...

ohhhhhh tht s NEWS.!!! wen s it coming out????? i lovveeee the famous five, !!! its gona be quite wierd as we r used 2 the oldtime charecters. i hope it has wonderful description of food as the old series :-d. but i guess animation might make it lose a bit of its charm as we are so used 2 imaging the charecters and the places, like kirrin island.

Geets said...

Jac: Hope you had a great vacation!

Vidya: Where are you these days? Seem to be very busy....with college and assignments are you, dear?

yeah, I used to love the description of food in the Enid Blyton books....I do hope the spirit of the books is not lost in the new makeover

Geets said...

Jac: Hope you had a great vacation!

Vidya: Where are you these days? Seem to be very busy....with college and assignments are you, dear?

yeah, I used to love the description of food in the Enid Blyton books....I do hope the spirit of the books is not lost in the new makeover

Neha Nair said...

I still remember.. my very first enid blyton book was when I was 10 . It was called 'The Enchanting'... everything from Enid to the famous five.. Roald Dahl... Nancy drew ..hardy boys.. then the mature phase.. where we are addicted to Robin cook and Sidney Sheldon..oh it's so wonderful..the world of books. Each and every subject is so vast and never ending.

Geets said...

neha, nice meeting you. books made my childhood wonderful too...

hillgrandmom said...

That is so interesting!!! The Indian touch is to bring out Britain's multi-culturalism I guess.
Where are you Geets? It's been a while.

Geets said...

hgm: yes, missed you guys...i was too busy with office i'm waiting for the winter break...sure to catch up with all the posts then...

Geets said...

hgm: yes, missed you guys...i was too busy with office i'm waiting for the winter break...sure to catch up with all the posts then...